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FAQ about riding lessons:


  • How do the Prepaid Lesson Cards work?   Prepaid cards are loaded with 10 lessons (private or semi-private) and allow students to save $$ on lesson costs with greater flexibility in scheduling during the year.  Lessons are scheduled in advance (once a week or several days a week), and can be for specific days/times, or for various days throughout the riding year depending on the needs of the student.  All lessons on the card must be used by the end of the lesson year and must be scheduled in advance; scheduling/cancellation policies apply.  See the tuition & fees page for more details. Cards can only be used in a lesson setting the card was purchased for.  Example: if you paid for a semi-private card- then you can only use that card for semi-private lessons.  

  • At what age can my child begin riding lessons?  Horseback riding is a "contact sport" and the only sport (other than Bull Riding) that involves very large animals and the need for true multitasking.  Riders need to utilize physical strength, plan, think critically, problem solve, and manage large animals ranging from 300lbs to over 1,200lbs.  Therefore, we begin students between the ages of 5-7 with our Equine Explorer's Program.  Equine Explorers provides very young children the opportunity to learn about horses, safety, horsemanship, and riding in a fun age-appropriate environment.  At 8yrs they may begin formal riding lessons in either a private or semi-private setting. 

  • Can a beginner start in semi-private lessons?  Beginner students with no formal riding education are placed in private lessons until they have mastered the skills needed to safely ride in a class with other students.  Prior to being scheduled; a new student (with riding experience) will first complete a private assessment lesson in order to facilitate scheduling that student into the appropriate level class. 

  • Can I use a bicycle helmet for lessons?  No. Only an ASTM/SEI certified Equestrian Helmet is suitable for horseback riding.

  • I fell while wearing my helmet; can I still use it?  Equestrian helmets are certified for 1 impact. For your safety, if your helmet was involved in the impact (even if it looks "OK") you may not use it in a lesson and must obtain a replacement.  Ask your instructor about returning it to the manufacturer.  Some companies will send a coupon towards the purchase of a new one.

  • When can I ride in a Horse Show?  Horse Shows are fun and exciting but can also be dangerous for riders who are unprepared and lack the needed skills to venture outside the relative safety of the Farm.  Students interested in competing must consistently ride 3 times per week during the entire show season, share their riding goals with their instructor, be an active member of our IEA Team Dream Big, and purchase the necessary show apparel and safety equipment.

  • When can I start jumping?  Students begin jumping when they have mastered the necessary skills to control the horse, develop a strong lower leg and core, maintain their balance in two-point position at the walk, trot, and transitions.  Students begin learning jump seat on the flat over ground poles at the walk & trot, advance to cross rails, and beyond as their balance and core strength improve.  This timeline varies greatly based on the student's level of dedication and time invested in training. 

  • Can I lease a lesson horse?  Select school horses may be available for "Half Lease" by students when approved by their instructor and enrolled in weekly (year-round) lessons.  Half leasing provides students a great opportunity to practice riding independently during regular business hours.  Ask your instructor about available horses.

  • Can my family/friends watch my lesson?  Family and friends are very welcome to watch lessons.  Spectators of all ages are; not permitted in animal pens or riding areas, must remain in designated viewing areas, and abide by all Barn Rules.  Dogs & other pets are not permitted.  SMOKING is NOT PERMITTED anywhere on the farm.

  • Can I choose the horse I use in my lesson?  Students are matched with school horses based on specific criteria.  Although a student may ultimately ride a preferred horse during a lesson; the instructor will decide which horse a student is paired with. Students will rotate through all suitable horses to improve their skills and knowledge base.

  • Can I ride in my friend's lesson?  It is the instructor's responsibility to place students in lessons based on their assessment of the student's skill level and availability of an appropriate mount.  If it happens that students have similar skills and riding goals, every attempt will be made to place them in the same lesson. 

  • Do you rent horses by the hour?  No. We are strictly a teaching facility.    

  • The pony stepped on my foot, but I think I'm fine.  Do I still have to report it?  All injuries must be reported to the Instructor; even if you feel fine we still need to know about it.  It's important.  

  • If my child is home sick from school, can she still do her lesson?  Our policy is if a child is too sick for school- they are too sick for lessons.  All students must be free from viral symptoms with no fever (without medication) for 72 hours prior to returning to lessons.  Also, do not send your child to lessons if family members in the home are sick.  Please call and schedule a make-up lesson. 

  • Can I skip the ground portion of the lessons?   No.  Ground lessons involve the teaching of fundamental horsemanship and safety skills, and there is at least one in every semester. 

  • How is Horseback riding a "contact sport"?  During horseback riding the participant may, at any time, come in hard contact (collide with) the ground, another horse, rider, or object such as a jump, fence, gate, etc., either while standing still or in motion.  Contact can range from being lightly bumped while standing, falling from the horse, to being thrown in the air several feet, at any given rate of speed.  Does this happen all the time?  No, although minor injuries to folks who participate in equestrian sports are common.  The point to understand; there is always a "potential" for injury (be it just a scrape or something more serious) when working with and around large live animals. The parent or adult participant must decide for themselves if the numerous benefits of equestrian sports outweigh the risk for injury.

  • Why do I need to update my child's registration?   The registration is a legal document and includes a "consent for medical treatment" section. Hospital Administrations limit the amount of time they are good for.  Keeping our records up to date ensures a smooth process in the event a student needs medical care.  



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