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The Happy Horse LLC

We offer age-appropriate instruction beginning with our Equine Explorers program (5yr-7yr), formal riding lessons (8yr-18yr), and adult (19yrs & over)
In addition to riding our own well trained school horses; students may "haul in" and utilize their own horse for lessons. Proof of current vaccinations and NEG Coggins test required. Stallions are not permitted.
Instruction is also available at your personal farm (private lesson rate) plus travel fee. Advanced booking is required.
Click the "Join our lessons" button for registration forms.
Private lessons- $75/hr. or save $ with a prepaid 10 lesson card for $720.00.
Semi-private lessons- $55/hr. or save $ with a prepaid 10 lesson card for $520.00.
Lessons are taught "from the ground up"; all students learn to safely groom, tack, and control horses on the ground before mounting. Riding lessons are a combination of learning proper form, function, balance, strength, flexibility, and critical thinking. Horseback riding is an art, and a contact sport combined.
Please note: We do not offer trail rides or "1 time" lessons. All horses are weight restricted to 150lbs & under.

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